Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations. - Deut. 32:7
Family Reunion
July 3-6, 2025
Christian Retreat Conference Center Bradenton, FL
New Friday-Sunday Package Added
* Only $900 *
New Friday-Sunday Package Added * Only $900 *
Video: Information from Lisa on new registration options
Wanna keep in touch?
Are you on Instagram or Facebook? We are too! However, we still need your contact information to keep you updated and build the family database. Please take a moment to visit our sign up page and share your name, email, and phone number so we can add you to our list.
It's all about family...
Learn from experts in the family
Savoring the delicious dish your amechi/mom makes? Want to learn tax tips? Thinking of starting a DIY home project or just want to talk about life, health, career, faith, etc.?
Sign up for a webinar with experts in the family that will share and answer your questions on recipes, finance, life...anything. Click the button below to see all the online classes available and sign up.
Upload Family Pictures
Everyone has pictures. Old ones, new ones, funny's all memories. Share some of these memories with the family by uploading those pictures here.
We'll review the images you submit and add to the album as space permits. Visit the "Pictures" page often to see all the new ones that were added. Click on the button below to upload yours and share!